martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Convocatorias de Congresos y Cursos

3rd IIR Workshop on Refrigerant Charge Reduction to be held in Valencia, Spain.
October 25th and 26th, 2012
Registration fees prior to July 31 are:
Participants                     300 Euro
Students                         150 Euro
Accompanying person       60 Euro
After July 31, 2012, the fees will be a 20 % higher.

See the information at:
Prof. José M. Corberán
Instituto de Ingeniería Energética (IIE)
Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, Edificio 8E, Cubo F, Planta 5ª
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia, Spain
Tel. 34 963879243
Fax. 34 963877272

4th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants, TPTPR2013
Delft, the Netherlands, June, 17th -19th, 2013.
Themes: Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Refrigeration Systems & Natural and low GWP refrigerants
The IIR’s B1 (TPTPR) conferences are acclaimed as the leading cutting-edge series of events covering heat and mass transfer phenomena in refrigeration systems (boiling, condensation, sorption processes, enhancement technologies, low charge systems) and also the advancements in the field of natural and low GWP refrigerants. These events enable participants to keep abreast of progress and trends in this field.
The conference will take place at the Delft University of Technology. For more information about TU Delft see   .
Delft University of Technology is located in Delft, the Netherlands. On the following link you can see where Delft is situated: .
(Information about Delft you will find at )
Abstract submission
You are welcome to email your abstract to ; please consult the attachment for guidelines. Our web site ( ) will continuously be updated.
          Abstract due October 1st 2012
          Notification of accepted contributions October  31st
          Full paper due February 15th  2013
          First review March 15th
          Final manuscript submitted April 30th
          Conference in Delft, June, 17th -19th

Organizing institutions
Delft University of Technology, Delft
Royal Dutch Association of Refrigeration (KNVvK)
Dutch Refrigeration, Air Handling and Airconditioning Sector Association (NVKL).

Contact. For further information please contact:
Carlos Infante Ferreira, Conference Chair

I Encuentro Mundial de Eficiencia Energética en Edificios
MADRID, IFEMA - Auditorio Sur, 21 - 22 y 23 de Noviembre de 2012
Confirmada la participación de Tom Watson, Presidente de ASHRAE; Jorma Railio, Presidente del Comité Técnico de REHVA; Simo Hassi, Presidente de CEOC Internacional; Paula Rey García, DG Energy, Unit C3 (Energy Efficiency) Comisión Europea; Frédéric Hug, Presidente de Euroheat & Power (EHP), entre otros expertos.
Abierto el plazo de inscripción con tarifa reducida hasta el 30 de septiembre.
Seguir en : Twitter @encuentroEME3 #encuentroEME3

International Symposium on Plum and Sweet Cherry
That will be held in Madrid (Spain) on October 24-25, 2012.
The Symposium forms part of the activities of Fruit Attraction 2012, one of the most important trade fair for fruit and vegetables worldwide.
There will be 5 Scientific Sessions dedicated to all topics from cultivation to health-related issues including Enterprises.
Please find information in the web:
The registration deadline has been extended.

Compressors 2013
We would like to inform you that just in one year the IIR conference in congress center Papiernicka: Compressors 2013, will be held from 2 to 4 September in Papiernicka, Castle Smolenice and Red Stone Castle in Slovakia.
Doc. Ing. Peter Tomlein, PhD.
SZ CHKT (Slovak Association For Cooling And Air-conditioning Technology)
Hlavná 325
900 41 Rovinka - Slovakia
Tel.: 00421 2 4564 6971,
Mobil 0905 400922
fax: 00421 2 4564 6971

Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-12 October 2012
will be held on the campus of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, located in Lausanne, Switzerland (see
Previous editions were held in Udine (2005), Darmstadt (2006), Pisa (2007), Lausanne (2008), Darmstadt (2009), Lausanne (2010), and Darmstadt (2011) with large participation.
The objective of this course is to provide the participants with today's detailed knowledge on the boiling heat transport mechanisms based on recent research results and the most updated methods for the prediction of boiling heat transfer, its enhancement, and its applications to technological and industrial areas. Specific attention will be paid to the description and prediction of the critical heat flux, which represents the upper limit of the boiling heat transfer and has to be avoided for safety reasons. Boiling of mixtures, which is of paramount importance for industrial applications such as retrofitting of existing plants will be treated exhaustively. Application to compact heat exchangers will be dealt with special care in view of the industrial interest towards this component, while the very recent application of boiling heat transfer to microscale, including microstructured surfaces, which allow very high heat transfer rates for specific applications, will be treated in great detail.
The course is addressed to scientists, professionals, engineers in the several fields of Engineering, Applied and Fundamental Sciences with specific interest in phenomena involving boiling (process industry, refrigeration industry, energy production, heat exchanger manufacturers, etc.) who want to get acquainted with the traditional background and the most recent developments of this discipline.

Curso sobre “Control de Refrigeración y Medio Ambiente”, 4ª edición.
Se celebra en la UNED, Madrid
Puede ser interesante para usted o para personas próximas a usted que trabajan en este campo profesional. Rogamos haga llegar esta información a las personas que considere necesario. La matricula puede realizarse desde cualquier parte del mundo, por lo que tanto si usted se encuentra en España, o fuera de ella incluyendo en cualquier país (incluyendo Latinoamérica), puede realizarlo y seguirlo con total facilidad, con la única limitación del desarrollo del curso en español. El material didáctico esta desarrollado en español. No obstante, se acepta el portugués e ingles en las comunicaciones escritas.
El curso se engloba dentro del Programa de Enseñanza Abierta  de la UNED dirigido a posibilitar a cualquier persona la ampliación de sus conocimientos en algún campo del saber.
Las características generales de curso son:
Acreditación: diploma (6 créditos ECTS).
Requisitos de acceso: no hay requisitos mínimos de acceso.
Duración: 6 meses.
Desarrollo del curso: desde Diciembre de 2012 a Mayo de 2013, ambos incluidos.
Precio de matrícula: 300,41 €.
Plazo de matrícula: 5 de Septiembre a 27 de Noviembre de 2012.
Información de matrícula y gestión de los cursos:

Página web: ; ;        
Correo electrónico:
Matrícula en la sección de “Formación Permanente”:,19108320&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL